What sets Annmarie apart from other coaches?
Annmarie has been successfully coaching this program for a number of years now and has assisted many people with their life’s true purpose.
Before you read any further, let’s see what some of Annmarie’s coaching clients have to say after embarking on The Grateful 3 Approach to Mastering Your Mind Coaching and Mentorship program:
Ann Marie has changed my life! She is kind and caring in her approach and she has a unique ability to “flip” your thoughts and empower you to see new perspectives. Her Grateful 3 Approach To Life Coaching and Mentorship program has been an extremely exciting and motivational challenge for me. We have worked together to make many of my life goals and dreams come to fruition.
Annmarie came into my world when I was in need. Our worlds collided and thank goodness they did as I have not looked back. Spending quality time with Annmarie completing her Grateful 3 Approach to Life Coaching & Mentorship Program was empowering and rewarding for me, and the positive effects rippled out to my family and friends. What I learned about myself was amazing, I now have my mojo back thanks to Annmarie! I continue to tick boxes that I never thought I would. From changing professions after 30-plus years to a new career, becoming a children’s author at 55 completing a diploma at 56, and inspiring others like myself is all thanks to my gorgeous friend Annmarie and her wonderful program. My glass is now full, (actually overflowing) and I am forever grateful to Annmarie who believed in the possible when I didn’t and made me believe too.
These are just a few of the many testimonies Annmarie has received from her clients.
If you would like to work with Annmarie and embark on a journey of change, book a free 15 min clarity call by completing the form below. Life is for everyone, and fortune favors the bold!
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Annmarie will only bring you on if she feels she can work her best for you.
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She will only bring you on if she feels ‘you’ can work your best for you.
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Coaching and change require 100% dedication and commitment from you; you bring the dedication & commitment Annmarie will supply the rest.
The cost of this life-changing intervention and support include 5 x 1hr face-to-face or via Zoom sessions, and a lifetime of change is $1,444
All ongoing sessions following the initial five consultations will be charged at an hourly rate of $249
Limited spaces are available.
Annmarie is offering one free 15 min, no-obligation clarity call. This is where you and Annmarie will discuss what you expect from coaching and what you would like to achieve. ( This is not a free coaching session or reading session but a clarity call)
What sets Annmarie apart from other coaches ?
Her Intuition!
She sees where you should be and through coaching gets you there!