8 Transformational Steps To Freedom.
Or as its better know ‘From Shit To Shine’
Life-changing weekend 12th & 13th September 2020
9.30 am-5 pm both days
Imagine a life where you do not fear people’s judgment.
You are free to live your dream and achieve your goals, where you can have a successful relationship, leave a job you hate, or start your own business or excel in the business your already in and have time to chill?
Does that sound like something you have only allowed yourself to dream about?
I will teach you easy, simple, but powerful strategies that will alter your life and assist you in smashing through your fears to ultimate freedom.
Why not take massive action now and spend a weekend with me by Sunday evening you will return back into your life feeling motivated, focused, and totally prepared to take back your power.
What you learn from this weekend can’t be unlearned, so prepare for change!
I have spent the last 13 years gathering knowledge from some of the best and most amazing people in the world on how to reach where I am today, total freedom, and I would like to share it with you.
Secure your place with a deposit of $150
Workshop $650 for both days!!
North of the river 12th &13th September 2020
(See Terms and conditions)